The Bible tells us that Jesus miraculously walked on water showing his power as God over creation. While that is impressive, what God can do in changing the human heart is infinitely more impressive. We are designed to have a relationship with the God who loves us, but sin in the world and sin in our hearts causes us to be separated--from God, from others, even from ourselves. We live in a constant state of rebellion, but our brokenness and guilt won't find repair apart from God. How do we fix our situation?
We can't. We need God.
We need Jesus.
We know that things are not right. We sense we should be better, we sense the world should be better, but we don't know why or how. The Bible tells us humans were designed for a perfect relationship with God, others, and themselves. But then sin happened in the world and in our hearts. Sin is failure to live up to God's perfect standard.
Because all people are born into sin, it makes them unable to please God or save themselves. There are no good works or religious things that can make up for a sinful nature--it has to be forgiven and changed. The first step of connecting with God is admitting your sin has separated you from Him. This is called “repentance.”
Once we admit there is a problem that we can't fix between ourselves and a perfect God, we need to accept the truth about salvation--that only Jesus can save us from guilt, judgment, and hell. Someone has to pay eternally for your sin, either Jesus or you.
The Bible says Jesus died on the cross to forgive the sin of anyone who would repent (to change the mind so it changes the behavior) and in faith believe on Him as Savior. This belief is not just a head-acknowledgement of information but a heart-acceptance of transformation. The death of Jesus is the innocent in place of the guilty, the perfect in place of the sinful.
After we admit we are sinners in need of a Savior and believe Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead, we are to reach out to God in prayer and confession of the truths we believe. Are you ready to confess what you believe and start eternal life now? There is no “sinner’s prayer” in the Bible or magic words to pray, but if you know you need the love and forgiveness of God, here is a sample prayer you can pray to God in faith—
“Jesus, I recognize my sinfulness and my need for you as my Savior. I believe you died on the cross for my sin and that you rose again on the third day, showing your victory over death, sin, hell, and judgment. Today, I repent of my sinful desire to live apart from you and ask that you forgive me and change my heart and give me your Holy Spirit so I can live for you. To the best of my ability, I accept your grace and love today and thank you for giving me eternal life. Help me now to honor you with my life!”
Welcome to the family of God! The next step is to find a Bible-teaching church and get baptized and involved. If you need help finding a good church in your area, email us.
There is no such thing as a “closet-Christian,” if you prayed that prayer, tell, text, or email someone the good news, and tell us too!