How did humans get life?


The Bible states that at the beginning of the creation of the universe, God thoughtfully and ideally created the earth to sustain life. After creating all living things, His last and greatest creation was man (Heb. adam 'to be red') who was formed from the dust (Heb. adamah 'dirt/earth') to work the garden God had planted (Gen. 2:15). As only life can bring forth life (Law of Biogenesis), the eternal life of God breathed immortal physical and spiritual life into Adam, who was designed to live forever. God created man in His image which included personhood, fellowship and morality (Gen. 1:26, 27). Out of Adam, God formed Eve (Heb. kavvah 'life-giver') to be his helper governing the earth and managing a family, through which all humans would eventually come (Gen. 3:20). In the garden God oversaw the first marriage between His image-bearers by presenting Eve to Adam and blessing them as a couple (Gen. 2:21-25). The sexual union between Adam and Eve would be the vehicle through which humanity would grow and propagate as all humans since then have the image of God and human DNA. Intercourse between a man and wife was designed by God to be good, frequent, enjoyable, and a primary element of physical and spiritual union between the spouses (1 Cor. 7:3). Originally, Adam and Eve were created by God in innocence with no rebellion or distrust and at the beginning had perfect union with each other, the creatures on the earth, and their Maker.